
Saturday, 24 March 2012

At Long Last!

Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Bombers

     I thought I had much better before pictures of this one, but apparantly I had a brain fart.  She was originally sitting on a very large baby bottle.  The process of mutating that into a bomb was an difficult one and very time consuming as I needed to wait for clay and glue to dry.  I'm still not crazy about how the bomb turned out but I'm still fairly happy overall with the piece.
     Thanks again for being so very very patient and I will do my best to keep the time between pieces much shorter in the future.
     Precious Mutations also now has a facebook page of it's own, please come by and gimme a 'like' and then you will be notified of all that's being mutated.


Update!  found the original before pic!

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