
Saturday, 8 December 2012

Fa Nom Nom La Nom, La Nom Nom Nom


The inspiration for this piece came back in the summer while on a walk with my kidlets.  We walked past a backyard with a pileup of kids on a trampoline.  Each one of the kids had some form of mobile device and despite the fact that they were all so close that they were making physical contact in one way or another they were communicating via said devices.  I made the kids stop and watch as they giggled and snorted,  and commented on each others comments they made.  I advised the children that this is the epitome of everything I don't want them to do when they grow up.  We stood there for a good few minutes and when we left they had still not noticed we had been there, as they were so engrossed in their cyber world.

I was looking to find a holiday piece to mutate, and stumbled across this one in a Salvation Army Thrift Store on my way home from work one evening.  I knew I could do something with the piece, but couldn't decide what so I put it back.  Of course, as soon as I was halfway home it dawned on me what was needed.  I fretted the rest of the evening and the following day that when I returned the piece would be gone.  (It's happened before).  It was still there upon my return thank goodness.

Anyway, I present to you 'HBD Baby JC', my take on what Christmas means in 2012.  Alternate titles for this piece included: WiFi in this manger sucks, and Baby Jesus invites you to play Farmville!'.

Happy Holidays, no matter how you it safely and responsibly.


Sunday, 25 November 2012

Kris Cringe-le

 I posed this question earlier...if it wasn't a figurine before is it still a mutation?  Here is my first completely original piece I've made.  I wanted it to be a little more frightening, but I'm happy with how it turned out.  It's my representation of what a child sees upon it's first visit to a mall Santa:

I'm having trouble getting a good picture of it...but I will keep trying.  Enjoy!

Saturday, 24 November 2012


so here's a question...I'm making an ornament, but it wasn't anything before I made it still a mutation?

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

First attempt at Merch...

Here's my first attempt at making Precious Mutations merchandise available.  It's limited because it's new to me and I haven't had a lot of time yet, but here's my first attempt via : <embed wmode="transparent" src="" FlashVars="feedId=0&path=" width="450" height="300" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed><br/><a href="">create & buy custom products</a> at <a href="">Zazzle</a>

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Coming Along Slowly (title still up for debate)

Slick Vicky has been in the Hollywood spotlight for the better part of 30 years, and she hasn't aged a bit!  Many have tried to discover how she managed to stay looking so where did she locate the fountain of youth?  She'll never tell ;)

I started this piece quite some time ago but set it aside because I was questioning my abilities.  Little did I know that what was really going on was that my original idea wasn't good enough for this piece.

This piece is also twice the size of the usual pieces I do.  I paid a little bit extra for it in a swap shop in Cayuga, but the lady there was so nice...

All those slug photos I took earlier this year definitely helped with the painting of the slug.

As I mentioned in the title, the name of this piece is still up for debate.  I welcome suggestions.


Saturday, 17 November 2012

It's been a's a teaser of what I'm working on, almost done!

Hey guys, I know it's been a bit.  I post a lot more of my progress/pics on my facebook page if you are looking to learn more about what we're doing!  Anyway, here's some pics of how my latest is coming along:

Hopefully the whole thing will be finished tomorrow!


Sunday, 28 October 2012

The Collector

I was out hiking the other day, when there upon the path before me shined a shiny demon (who will get this reference?).  As I approached he snorted and huffed, shifting his weight back and forth and looking otherwise unsettled.  I approached slowly, cautiously.
'Are you here for me?  Are you here to offer me my wishes in exchange for my soul?'  I asked.
'Ha!'  It chortled and snorted.  'We've seen your work Mr. Busher, we don't need to offer you anything for your's already well on it's way.'

Lucky lucky boys and girls!  Two mutations in one week!

I'm now on twitter...if you follow me I promise I won't bother you with things like EVERY MEAL I eat or pictures of my cats, but you will be informed whenever a new mutation comes out!  I can also be found on, flickr, and my facebook page ( ).

Also, you only have short time to submit a Hallowe'en art/craft/poem etc. here: to be entered into a draw to win one of the three following prizes!  An original piece of art from the genius mind behind Mr. David Irvine, A monster plush hand made by Ms. Kerri Mercer (her fb art page: OR my previous Precious Mutation 'What To Expect When You're Resurrecting'.

Happy Hallowe'en, oh and enjoy Devil's Night!

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Now On Twitter!

Get all your mutation updates by following me on twitter! @preciousmutator .

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Mutants in Nature

Took Jenny, Genie, One Man Wolfgang and What To Expect When You're Resurrecting with me on a hike today to see if I can get some better display pics.  What do you think?